Creating home for people of all ages and abilities
We all need a place to call home
People of all ages and abilities want a place to live that is safe, affordable, welcoming and where they can experience a sense of belonging. HOPE NC brings together representatives from multiple sectors, agencies and organizations as well as people with lived experience to solve for the barriers that have kept this type of housing from being available. We will build a pilot project in the Triangle area to demonstrate why inclusive housing is so essential to true community and belonging. We are currently integrating some adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities into an apartment complex in Raleigh and offering them support to ensure they succeed. We are also supporting adults with disablities already living in an intentional community in Durhaml. With our collective impact work, we will provide the structure to assist others in replicating this model across the state. We need your help to continue this work as it can't be done overnight and truly takes a village.